Fixing Pokemon Game Prices

I live in Canada and most switch games are worth 80 dollars whilst they're worth 60 in America so I will fix that now! Feel free to argue my prices and if you'd like me to try doing it to pokemon games on other consoles or even just other switch games let me know.
Spinoffs -
Pokken Tournament DX - $30.00 - it wasn't worthy of being a full $80.00 it's the sort of game you have a lot of fun with once or twice and then never play again. Pokken DLC - $10.00 - I don't own it but what it's advertising is very little FULL PRICE $40.00
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX - $50.00 - it's an amazing game with tons of content but I just don't think that spin-offs and mainline games should be the same price
New Pokemon Snap - $50.00 - same reasoning as before
Detective Pikachu Returns - $40.00 - I haven't played it and don't plan to
Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee - $60.00 - Not super stellar good overall but needs a bit more touch to it like new gen evos
Pokemon Sword and Shield - $60.00 - Sword and Shield kind of sucked. SW/SH DLC - $20.00 - the dlc is much better than the original game but still I just can't see SW/SH being a higher price than some of the other games FULL PRICE $80.00
Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl - $40.00 - It shouldn't go for higher than the original game can be at it's lowest
Pokemon Legends Arceus - $70.00 - This is my favourite game in the mainline series and deserves the top spot
Pokemon Scarlet and Violet - $60.00 - I think this is reasonable for it's glitches since it's the same price as Let's Go and SW/SH - Pokemon S/V DLC - 40.00 - I haven't seen much but I know that this is probably reasonable besides this is what we Canadians pay… eh? FULL GAME $100.00
Different currencies lead to different prices for identical products. Different markets will value the identical products differently, depending on a number of factors, including local demand, local pricing of similar products, taxes, regulations on materials used in manufacturing and distribution costs.
I grew up in the UK, and at the time one pound was worth roughly two dollars. Which made it frustrating when the way American companies priced their products seemed to be to erase the $ and replace it with a £, without changing the numbers.
Back when Diamond and Pearl was released, not only could I get it months earlier by importing it from America, even with the shipping costs it still worked out far cheaper for me to import it than to buy it in my nearest local store. That's just how the prices were back then.
If it's cheaper somewhere else, import your games.