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If a BW remakes is ever a possibility

Gaocarmina Member Posts: 60 ✭✭
10 Comments Name Dropper First Anniversary 5 Agrees

Would it include Enamourus now that the genies has a four member?

What about the ideas of facing against the gym leaders/champions from the modern games at the PWT? (Gen 6 to 9)

How they will handle the difficulty setting this time?

Will they mention that Clay has a daughter?

Oh also Victini and Meloetta has yet to be obtainable as shiny in a legitimate way, but I suppose that would be too good to be true.


  • UnovanZorua
    UnovanZorua Member Posts: 2,369 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I think adding Enamorus would be wierd since it's only been obtainable in a game set centuries in the past. I also doubt that they'd add a difficulty setting or being able to switch between Black City and White Forest like they did in BW2.

    But I'd be surprised if they don't mention Clay's wife (and his daughter if not much time has passed between BW and SV, or if it's a sequel instead). The only way I'd see them not mentioning it is if they make a BDSP-style "faithful" remake which I hope they don't ever do again.

    If they do a sequel there are probably going to be some newer characters in the PWT (and if it's a remake of BW, the PWT wasn't in that game and they probably won't add it, like how ORAS has no battle frontier).

    And since GameFreak really likes shiny locking Legendaries (even post-game DLC ones now), I doubt we'll get a shiny-unlocked version of a Mythical (and since BW introduced shiny-locks, we won't get a situation where the remake has no shiny-locks thanks to the original game not having them, like BDSP did).

  • FallenFurfrou
    FallenFurfrou Member Posts: 191 ✭✭✭
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    I think a few of these ideas would be recommended for the remakes (provided that they aren't soulless 3d copy-pastes like BDSP to DP). Also, I have another idea that you might think would be too crazy to work.

    Call me crazy, but I have an idea - a last call for Furfrou to debut on the Switch (even though it's Gen VI and Unova was Gen V). Do you know how the buildings in Castelia only have a few floors available for the player character to select (out of a hypothetical floor count of 50 to 100)? That's the Law of Conservation of Detail, and if I were on the production team, I'd use that Law to add access to a new apartment floor where a rich person would give you a Furfrou (it won't be a wild encounter, though). And as for the trims; I imagined that if you get Furfrou and bring it to Nimbasa Musical Hall after your first visit, you would be given a trimming kit that would allow you to change its trim at any time.

    I don't think such an idea would come to fruition (nor would Furfrou likely gain Switch compatibility before the Switch's retirement), but I think the fact that I at least tried to make a working idea should deserve at least a little bit of merit.