Popular music in the Pokémon World?

Are there any genres of popular music in the Pokémon World, whether they're pop, AC, rock, heavy metal, alternative, indie, country, hip-hop, R&B, urban, rhythmic, dance, electronic, jazz, blues, vocal standards, easy listening, new age, folk or singer-songwriters? Why? Please let me know? Thanks.😉
This is a great idea that the marketing team at Pokemon should jump on. With the popularity of 151 bringing a lot of older players back into the mix, it could be another way to increase the growth rate. Imagine actual bands getting cameos in a rebooted series, creating trainer cards with bands featured on them, and even the possibility of creating a band only in the universe. Hope to see something like this, but for now I can imagine each region having a certain style of music. I’m going to explore this more with AI and let’s see what’s possible along with my own ideas.