Toedscruel help?

I've been testing a toedscruel deck that also utilizes itemlock but the results are inconsistent - most vitally, going second can cause big problems because i don't have the head start to start itemlocking on turn 2. When that isn't the issue i often find myself lacking either energy or an evolution. Is there something i can fix about this build, or am i just getting unlucky setups?
note that i am deliberately trying to use cards with f-mark or above for futureproofing. the deck does NOT need to be 100% viable right now but i'm trying to figure out if it's still on the right track.
Pokémon: 6
1 Manaphy BRS 41
3 Toedscruel ex OBF 22
4 Venomoth MEW 49
4 Toedscool SVI 201
1 Mew ex MEW 151
4 Venonat SIT 1
Trainer: 11
4 Iono PAL 185
3 Practice Studio PAL 186
3 Boss's Orders BRS 132
3 Ultra Ball CRZ 146
1 Artazon OBF 229
3 Super Rod PAL 188
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
4 Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143
4 Level Ball BST 129
1 Lost Vacuum CRZ 135
1 Switch EVO 88
Energy: 1
12 Basic {G} Energy Energy 45
Total Cards: 60
I think your issues stem from running Venomoth and Toedscruel together when they don't really gel well at all. The moth is a much slower defensive deck and the mushroom is a much faster offensive deck, and neither really benefits the other in any way (besides Toedscruel's ability providing a minor buff - but that can mostly be replicated by Jirachi now). Because of that you're railroaded into using a super high energy count and Gardenia to attach for Toedscruel's attack, which is eating up room in the deck for consistency cards. I think you'd be better off running Toedscruel with Cherrim from Battle Styles (or Forretress ex, if you wanna be rotation ready) or Venomoth with something like Spidops ex instead of both together.
If you're set on running both, I'd say cut the Practice Studio (Toedscruel caps at 280 which already KOs almost everything meta, Venomoth is still pathetic even with the extra damage) as well as a copy of Boss for some more consistency supporters (Research or Cynthia's Ambition, probably) and maybe add Radiant Greninja as well?