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[VG] Match Score Resolution for Unintentional Interruptions

TPCi_olliewoop Administrator Posts: 10 admin
5 Agrees 5 Likes Name Dropper First Comment
edited September 2024 in News & Announcements #1

In the event of match interruptions where it is not clear which player is at fault or it is clear that neither player is at fault (e.g. mass power outages, equipment malfunctions, etc.), the match resolution is determined by the number of remaining Pokémon per player, as denoted in the Play! Pokémon VG Rules and Formats Handbook, Section 3.4.4: Double Game Freeze: 


Please note that this match resolution may lead to other criteria being met in which a Sudden Death match (3.4.3) must be played to determine a total game winner. Said criteria is noted in Section 3.4.1 and 3.4.2, depending on the current round format. While it should be expected that the aforementioned steps will take place as the standard process, the Head Judge reserves the right to override the resolution of a Double Game Freeze at their discretion so long as they reach agreeable terms with the Tournament Organizer regarding schedule impact. 

It is important to understand that in situations where a player unintentionally causes their match or others’ matches to disconnect, through actions such as unplugging or plugging in their Switch during an ongoing round, that they are responsible for said incident. As a result, that player will receive a penalty as outlined by Section 5, depending on the severity of impact. It is advised to exercise extra caution when unplugging your Switch after your match and recommended that you stay at your table and not unplug your console until all other players connected to the same power strip have also completed their matches. 

Thank you for your continued understanding and compliance in keeping in-person play as fair and operational as possible. 

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