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[Pokémon Scarlet and Violet] Prepare for Mass Outbreaks of Ghost-Type Pokémon!

TPCi_GarbageKing Administrator Posts: 180 admin
Third Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Agrees 25 LOLs
edited November 2023 in Pokémon Video Games #1

Ghost Types Gather for a Ghoulishly Good Time!

As shadows fall, Ghost-type Pokémon rise for some fa-boo-lous fun. From Friday, October 27, 2023, at 00:00 UTC to Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at 23:59 UTC, mass outbreaks of Drifloon, Phantump, Mimikyu, and Greavard will be appearing throughout Paldea and Kitakami.

Pokémon encountered in these special mass outbreaks are more likely to have the Crafty Mark. These opportunistic Ghost types must be on the prowl for tricks and treats!

Event Schedule

  • Friday, October 27, 2023, at 00:00 UTC to Tuesday, October 31, 2023, at 23:59 UTC

Featured Pokémon

  • Drifloon, Phantump, Mimikyu, Greavard


  • Paldea and Kitakami

What Is a Mass Outbreak?

Mass outbreaks are a phenomenon in which many of the same species of Pokémon appear in one location. After the release of The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask for Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet, limited-time mass outbreak events will begin. During these events, certain Pokémon will become more likely to appear in mass outbreaks!

Information about Mass Outbreak Events

  • To participate in mass outbreak events, please download the latest Poké Portal News by selecting Poké Portal from the X menu, then Mystery Gift, then Check Poké Portal News. You do not need a paid Nintendo Switch Online membership to receive the latest Poké Portal News.
  • You will also need to download and install the latest update data for your game once The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero Part 1: The Teal Mask for Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet has been released.
  • While purchasing The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero is not required to participate in this mass outbreak event, there may be future mass outbreak events that occur in locations that cannot be accessed without The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero.​​
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