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Prize machine


I have a really big problem with the prize machine as a f2p player. The problem: It is impossible to get ANY holowear. Since I at max get 12 hits which isn’t even enough for Zoroark Holowear not talking about Absol. Please do something about this like in anniversary event where you got 10 free throws everyday. Please make it so I as f2p player can get The good holowear/40 hit holowear.


  • YoungsterDion
    YoungsterDion Member Posts: 2
    First Comment Photogenic

    Sorry for bumping late, but this current Prize Machine with the Venusaur Holowear is the first one I've seen, and WOW it sucks. I don't understand why the progress for each prize has to reset all the time. Like if you've made 12 throws on the Holowear prize on your first day, the 12 should carry over on the second day., and every other day after that until the event ends Getting 10 free throws everyday is also a plus, because let's face it, this is first and foremost NOT a gacha game. If you're going to give players the opportunity to get free cosmetics, don't make it impossible to obtain??

    Stuff like this really cheapens my experience of the game imho.