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suggestion : 15 minute game / quest system / win rate each deck / show deck list

  • 15 minute is enough for each player that may make game faster pressure player to move faster some time you found player waste time to troll and make it 30-40 minute per game I think 20-30 minute is more compatable with mobile not much drain battery per game or can play more often in rush hour also player have more chance to retry to improve they rank or revenge game . The event mode in online vesion give only 12-13 minute but its still work or should have fast mode as option.
  • quest system should have attribute request to make deck much more variest example as online version that make player have to play 4-5 match to complete quest also make quest collect system 2-3 days will be great for someon who not have time to play everyday. theseday quest only play 1 match to completed and have nothing to do only found meta deck match even casual mode. this may make player play more when they are availiable to build many deck and do many quest.
  • win rate for each deck for decide which deck is the best for player win rate overall is not usable because some time player have to test deck in casual mode.
  • page for show full deck list for capture and share
  • tablet horizontal mode


  • Baulder
    Baulder Member Posts: 32
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper Photogenic

    You won't believe this, but there are also new players in PTCGL who are not familiar with every deck strategy and it might take longer for them to decide on next move not because they want to troll or irritate the other player, but simply because they are unsure which card to play or pick from their deck.

    There already is system that prevent players from taking too long to take action and it's sometimes more punishing than necessary as I experienced it few times to prevent me from selecting card from deck even though I still had about four seconds left on timer, which made the trainer card wasted.

    I can imagine ranked mode competitive play to have shorter duration time control, however, new players who still learn to play certainly don't need more pressure on them when they try to figure out their opponent deck strategy and how to counter that.

  • Odasung
    Odasung Member Posts: 21
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper Photogenic

    Yeah, should have mode for new player and they can spend an hour to read text. 🫰🏻

  • Baulder
    Baulder Member Posts: 32
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper Photogenic

    Now you are just being toxic.

    New players don't need an hour to read card's text, but they also don't need to have less time to decide on what to do.

    I agree that it is problematic if someone is waiting for the timer to reach last few seconds on purpose for every action, but how exactly you suggest the game should distinguish between intentional stalling to irritate the opponent, and the one caused by inexperienced player who inspect opponent Pokémon abilities and other cards on the play board?

    As I said before, there already is time control, and I think it is sufficient.

  • Ampersundae
    Ampersundae Member Posts: 75 ✭✭
    25 Agrees 10 Comments First Anniversary 5 Likes

    When I see a new card, it can take second to read, especially if it's a full art card. Even as an experienced player, I can occasionally get the timer while I'm strategizing. In my experience so far, the player community for this game is pretty good. I can remember maybe one game where the opponent was intentionally stalling, and one who did the spamming avatar emotes thing.

    I did like the quest system from PTGO, but to implement that now would be a lot of work that players may use it once, when resources are best spent on other things. It was fun to get me back in to Pokemon cards, but I think we have to accept that's gone now.

    I do like the win rate for individual decks. I've always hated the overall win rate in any game and never look at it. I like to test decks, or just let a loss go if I get a bad draw. With the ability to duplicate decks, it makes sense you could reset the win loss rate if you think you've perfected a deck, learned the game, or want to compare how two similar decks perform, even though you could probably already tell by memory.

  • Baulder
    Baulder Member Posts: 32
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper Photogenic

    @Odasung I've actually seen more intentional stalling from opponents who were in completely different league.

    I got outclassed, had last active Pokémon card and no cards on bench, or last remaining prize cards, yet even though they could knock out my active Pokémon right away, they instead choose to play several different trainer cards, use all their Pokémon abilities and stall the game as long as possible just to flex how superior their deck is to mine, before the final timer push them to knock out the last remaining Pokémon card or take the last prize card/s.

    I had few games where I was lucky and gained upper hand, which resulted in opponent just going AFK, thus I won because they took too long to take any action, for which I thing there should be temporal ban if they do this too often, but I've more often encountered stalling that could be described as cruel, and had absolutely nothing to do with sportsmanship rather than stalling out of grief from loosing player.

    Sure, I could click the concede button, but I would rather not to do so if there is daily quest to complete 3 match without concede.

  • Mod_Champion
    Mod_Champion Moderator Posts: 143 ✭✭
    100 Comments Second Anniversary 25 LOLs 5 Likes

    Hello, Trainers,

    Thank you for your feedback! Please let us know if you have any other suggestions.