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Feedback for the current patch

I want to express my disappointment with the current state of the game and the Pokémon Unite development team. Since the release of Zacian, it seems that the team has not been responsive to the concerns raised by the community, including professional players and YouTubers. Zacian's overpowered presence in the game went unaddressed for several months, causing many of my friends to abandon Pokémon Unite in favor of a more balanced MOBA game. When the developers released a letter addressing these issues, I was optimistic that they understood the gravity of the situation and would prevent similar problems. I even convinced my friends to return to the game. Unfortunately, the recent releases of Mewtwo X and Y have once again unbalanced the game, highlighting the developers' apparent disregard for player feedback. I felt betrayed and embarrassed for inviting my friends back as they became victims of this ongoing issue. If such circumstances persist, I may have no choice but to leave the game as well.

Suggestions for Improvement:

1. Testing Newly Released Pokémon: Every new Pokémon should undergo rigorous testing with all available buffs, items, and emblems in the game to prevent any imbalance. For instance, Pokémon like Mewtwo Y, equipped with the Red Buff, Attack X, and Blissey's Helping Hand, can be incredibly overpowered. Pro players, who are intimately familiar with the game, should be involved in testing newly released Pokémon to provide valuable feedback. 

I commend the developers for their positive approach to this issue with the release of Blaziken, which is a well-balanced Pokémon that rewards skillful play.

2. Legendary Pokémon Balance: The developers mentioned that legendary Pokémon are intended to be stronger than regular Pokémon but still have some weaknesses. However, in the case of Pokémon like Zacian and Mewtwo, their statistics are disproportionately high compared to other regular Pokémon. For example, Zacian can solo top lane against two opponents, which is problematic. Mewtwo X and Y, as all-rounders, are nearly invulnerable due to their range, crowd control abilities, and self-healing shields. 

I believe legendary Pokémon should not be inherently more powerful than others, especially since Pokémon is a well-established franchise where players are attached to their favorite Pokémon. The focus should be on unique mechanics rather than sheer power.

3. Ranking System and Matchmaking: The current matchmaking system, particularly for solo to trio players, is frustrating. It often matches players with varying win rates, leading to imbalanced matches. This is partly due to the flawed ranking system that allows players with low skill levels to reach the Master rank through bot matches and rank protection cards. Matchmaking should be based on rankings alone, without considering win rates. Additionally, the Master rank should be downgradable to avoid players getting stuck at that level. Secondly, Bot players in ranked matches should be eliminated due to their negative impact on gameplay and the inability to communicate or coordinate with them. Lastly, communication is very hard in this game – If typing is a taboo for you, a customized chat bubble should be doable.

4. Balanced Patching: The game's patching process is slow, resulting in prolonged periods of the same meta. Balanced patches should be thoroughly tested on a dedicated server to address the core issues causing Pokémon to be overpowered or underpowered. The recent patch for Mewtwo Y, for example, failed to address the primary problem of its high Special Attack and Attack Speed. To maintain a dynamic game environment, patches should be implemented within two weeks of testing on a dedicated server and released in the main server 1 week later. Lastly, draft mode should already be tested in the test server. It’s already a year since you introduced this mechanic to the game just use it in rank already.  

In closing, I want to thank you for taking the time to read my feedback. Despite my concerns, I remain committed to this game and its community. I hope that the development team can address these issues promptly to retain the loyalty of dedicated players and sustain the game's future success.