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Removal of Toxic Avatar responses and "celebration" emotes

So ... hear me out there please (not sure the proper place to post this suggestion, so if it needs to be elsewhere let me know please).

As a pretty long time player (on and off) of both irl and online, I feel like the avatar responses (I'm not talking about artwork here, I mean the "verbal" responses and such) are VERY much against irl Pokemon TCG "rules" of behavior/politeness in game. The amount of snark in just about all of the in built reponses that we are forced to choose from (the opening and closing responses) is so high that I'm pretty sure if I actually acted like (body language) and said (opening / closing responses) the "suggested" phrases at an irl event that I'd get a judge call and penalty.

I feel like the body language choices especially (the over the top celebration and tendency for all of the movements to involve self pointing and celebration) are VERY much not inline with how folks are expected to act irl. I get that its supposed to be a joke, but if a player (especially younger/newer players) see this, they may learn to emulate or feel that "if the game did it I'm supposed to"). I've had this issue with my kid, who, not meaning to at all, has been rude to other players while he was trying to "act the part" that he'd seen over and over in the game. Now, I know all kids / players wouldn't have this issue, but some will.

Let's just get rid of the avatars movements and tag phrases, simplify the emote and (somehow) make them all seem less like taunts and more like fun / polite banter.

No, I don't have a good suggestion on how to do this ... I'm sorry about that. Let's just do away with an aspect of the game that does nothing for anyone anyway. It's not expressive enough to let folks really "express" themselves, and is otherwise just toxic in nature in terms of acceptable societal behavior.


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    People have been complaining since the day they beta started. They don't care and just think they're cute by trying to emulate the video games. They refuse to think about the fact that there's a reason you only see that stuff in NPC battles.