Need some ideas for psychic deck
I just started TCG online a month ago and I need some advice. I'm trying to stick to my own original decks and not use the pre-made ones. I really like psychic types, I use tinkaton, mimikyu and started using mewtwo v-union. But I keep getting clobbered by the same pre-constructed decks over and over, mainly carizard ex deck.
Any advice or pokemon suggestions for a deck to help for psychic players? I want to add dauschbund thinking it's ability might word on the carizard but I'm missing fidough card and have still yet to pull it :(
Working on a defensive one with alteria, mimkyu, cursola v, and such
What stinks is the deck is working well but it is not permitted in standard. I looked for ones to use in standard but I couldn't find much defensive ones to use except mimikyu....sigh...
I just don't want to use the stradgey from all the preconstructed decks cause it's getting boring and old.
I'm finding it more fun in extended since 75% of everyone I have played so far don't use the pre-construction decks