Does Path to the Peak stop Ting-Lu EX's ability?

I just played a match where the opponent had Path to the Peak out as the stadium, Ting-Lu EX in their active spot, radiant alakazam, squawkabilly EX, hawlucha (SV), and one other pokemon on the bench.
I had Mismagius (ST) as my active, Bibarel, and Radiant Alakazam on the bench.
His Hawlucha put damage on my Bibarel when it came into play, so Ting Lu's ability stopped me from using Bibarel's ability but shouldn't Ting-Lu EX's ability be stopped by Path to the Peak? He also used his own Radiant Alakazam's ability to move damage onto my Radiant Alakazam, which shouldn't happen again, because Path to the Peak should have stopped his Alakazam since it has a rule box. He also used his Squawkabilly EX's ability from his bench, which again, shouldn't it be stopped since it has a rule box?
When he knocked out my Mismagius, the Spiteful Magic didn't happen because I'm assuming his Ting-Lu EX's ability, but shouldn't the Path to the Peak, which was in play from turn 2, stop his Ting-Lu EX, his Squawkabilly EX, and his own Radiant Alakazam?
Yeah Path to the Peak should have stopped your opponent’s Radiant Alakazam, Ting-Lu ex, and Squawkabilly ex. The curiosity for me is that you said Path to the Peak was in play since turn 2 but you also said your opponent used Squawkabilly ex’s ability—which can only be used on their first turn—while Path was in play.