Meta Deck?

Hey pokemon fans! We all know that decks like Charizard Ex and Chen- Pao are taking the stage and have been a bit overpowered, So having a deck thats able to defeat these decks in a couple hits can be rare, especially basic type decks. So I made a deck with those expectations
Here's the deck list, I know that most people don't have the Iono or Rye but just replace them with normal ones if you have them, also I would put how to play the deck, but ill leave that to you to figure out
Pokémon: 8
2 Tinkaton PAL 105
2 Oricorio PAL 33
2 Tinkatink PAL 100
4 Ceruledge PAL 98
2 Manaphy BRS 41
1 Radiant Greninja ASR 46
4 Charcadet PAL 39
2 Mimikyu PAL 93
Trainer: 11
2 Raihan EVS 152
2 Switch SVI 194
3 Professor's Research SVI 190
2 Rescue Carrier EVS 154
2 Jacq SVI 175
2 Iono PAL 269
3 Rare Candy PGO 69
1 Ryme OBF 221
2 Full Face Guard EVS 148
2 Nemona SVI 180
4 Nest Ball SVI 181
Energy: 2
12 Basic {P} Energy SVE 5
4 Reversal Energy PAL
192 PH
Total Cards: 60
Tips about using this deck
1. Having Mimikyu as your main pokemon, have Mimikyu up as your basic pokemon while charging up Cerudlge and other pokemon
2. Having Tinkaton powered up, some people don't have Vs or Ex's in there deck, so make sure that Tinkaton is charged up using a Reversal Energy, doing 180 Damage can help with basic type decks like this one
3. Don't use radiant Greninja and Tinkaton on the same turn, pulling cards can be fun but your don't want to lose buy not having cards in your deck!
4 Have Oricorio on bench to heal your pokemon
The rest is up to you! Also when Paradox Rift comes out I will be posting a deck about Roaring Moon Ex, so look out for the One shot deck on my page!
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Question, when I imported it didn’t import mimikyu, I assume you had a typo. Is the mimikyu you’re looking for 097/193??