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Pokemon VGC Stricter Checks ? How?

Hello, im wondering, i recently read that this years pokemon VGC tournamets had stricter checks on Players team. Im wondering how do they check, as in do they just hook something up to your nintendo switch and check? or they transfer your team to some device and check there. or they just eyeball it? how does it work? Just curious.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,431 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I assume that they will want to keep information about the process quite close to their chest, to avoid people examining it too closely for exploits.

    It will be software based. Unless someone is incredibly careless, you could not determine whether a Pokémon has been modified just from their stats. The check would likely occur through some kind of save file check. If the players connect to each other via server rather than direct local connection it is likely that legitimacy will be checked at that point.

  • MikeTango91
    MikeTango91 Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    ok that makes sense. 👍️