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Good places to find reference art for Pokemon?

Hello, I am looking to get better at drawing, sculpting, and art in general. I was wondering what the best places to find reference images for Pokémon are. I'm looking for mainly front and side profiles. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated!


  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 25 Agrees 100 Comments 25 LOLs

    I use the pokedex at pokemon.com, or one of the pokemon handbooks. Both are great for front profiles but not that many side profiles. Fanart is always an option but it can be unreliable, like the game telephone a small detail might be lost every time until it is unrecognizable.

  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 25 Agrees 100 Comments 25 LOLs

    Do you make fakemon?

  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 25 Agrees 100 Comments 25 LOLs

    What do you do for drawing. Do you use just a pencil and paper of do you use an app. And how do you do sculpting I am very interested in this. Please elaborate on it.