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Mewtwo still broken after emergency patch

I remember back in Unite's first year being asked in a survey, "What is one thing you like best about this game?" and one of the options referred to the frequent balance patches and that each pokemon felt relatively fair to play.

Since Zacian, that feeling has sharply diminished. Mewtwo, now, is the most egregious example of a pokemon truly ruining the game. It changes every match to revolve around Mewtwo and, if you're on a team without him, your chances of losing are extremely high.

If the power creep is really this unavoidable and balance is really so difficult to achieve, then we need BANS in ranked mode. Seriously, one ban per team would eliminate Mewtwo and Zacian from every match. It would suck for those who want to play those broken pokemon, but it would make the game fun again.

I am the father of a newborn and I only get very limited time to play games now. When I play, I need the game to be fun. I don't care much about my rank or whatever, but being killed by a person when I clearly outplayed them - simply because they bought a certain pokemon - is the opposite of interesting. It's not a threat to say that I'll quit if this continues, but I almost certainly will use my gaming time on something else if something doesn't change here.

Ranked bans would help immensely and have been suggested many times. Otherwise, balance patches must become much more timely and ambitious. The game is just miserable in its current state, and I'm happy to AFK any match - consequences be damned - where the enemy team has Mewtwo and we don't. It's just that un-fun.