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What Episodes from Sun/Moon are your least favorite?

MrDuck761 Member Posts: 20
10 Comments Photogenic

For me it is either SM108 (Memories In The Mist) or SM146 (Thank You, Alola! The Journey Continues!) because of them both made me sad when I first watched them :(


  • Bolt_Boy25
    Bolt_Boy25 Member Posts: 137 ✭✭✭
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    All the sad episodes are the worst. 😞😞😞 I disliked the episode with orange orangeru and meowth

  • Mimirocket
    Mimirocket Member Posts: 8
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    I am a fan of James, and I dislike the episode "Fighting Back the Tears" from "Sun and Moon" is my least favorite because I found it to be quite out of character for James.

    Normally, James is a very sensitive character, easily frightened, he poorly handles separations by bursting into tears. In this episode, he was trying to reject Mareanie himself without shedding a tear. He inexplicably became incredibly strong and heroic, facing Tentacruel barehanded like Superman… My only explanation was that the entire episode was a fantasy of Mareanie, that it was the sudden adrenaline rush that made James so powerful and courageous, or that the berries given by Bewear had a superpower effect on him.

    I have loved James for over 20 years because of his effeminate and sensitive side, and because a character doesn't need to be a hero or perfect to be endearing. On the contrary, it is the imperfections of characters like the Team Rocket that make them so human and lovable.

    I think the writer of this episode had a poor understanding of James' character and wanted to make a shojo-style episode, and it didn't turn out well.

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,945 ✭✭✭✭
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    The play one's my least favorite.