Pokémon unite features I recommend and why
Pokémon unite is a fun way to play with your favourite mons! But sometimes you might feel like it is missing something, read below!
- options to have a bio, but have a max limit in characters and blacklist unacceptable words.
- have your country/region represented as a sticker whilst the match is in the loading screen.
- more options for quick chat.
- re-render old mons in the game, rest in piece crustle..
that’s all for now! I’ll make a new discussion if I can remember some more, have a great day y’all.
Totally agree, having Country/Region flags would help players know what kind of lobby their in and explain ping issues players may have in the game based on how far away from the general game server their in, also its just cool to know where players are coming from when playing this game ^^
Having a bio, with of course restrictions on what words you can use within the section and offer more expression for players ingame.
I want all the phrases for ingame quick chat... communication is key in a game such as Unite. Also, sometimes you just want to ping "Sorry!" or "My bad!" ingame if you realized you made a mistake xD
I'd love for these types of things made cause they could help and make the game a more enjoyable experience.