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Should the Ultra Recon Squad return?

Vodae35699 Member Posts: 4
First Comment

I love the whole squad I want to see what you guys think?


  • PKMNmianna
    PKMNmianna Member Posts: 3
    Photogenic First Comment

    Yes! I am a huge fan of them, especially the US duo. Seeing them return would be awesome if done right, and might even cause cards for Soliera and Phyco to be made (instead of just Dulse and Zossie, as much as I love them)

  • D-ManBlue
    D-ManBlue Member Posts: 383 ✭✭✭
    100 Agrees 5 LOLs 5 Answers 100 Comments

    I certainly wouldn't mind seeing them all again- especially since we haven't yet seen them all together yet.