Aight, what are everyone's favorite starters

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For me it's delphox since it was my first.
Gotta be Mudkip followed closely by Rowlet and Turtwig.
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I loved my Mudkip.
Piplup is cute and I have a Piplup plushie I won in a fair a long time ago.
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Specifically Shiny Greninja, and also Decidueye.
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The original 3, Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle.
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My top 3 are Froakie, Charmander
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For me its Treecko my first Pokemon. Great Grass type with a cool design that continues into its evolutions(including mega). Still the coolest grass starter line to date in my opinion.
Also in my first Pokemon mystery Dungeon game (explorers of Darkness) I got it as my starter from the quiz at the beginning of these games so Ive always considered it to be my Inner Pokemon like how the commercials advertised for these games.