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IMO.....Epic Fail!@

theslyfoxdigi Member Posts: 2
First Anniversary First Comment

Im so bummed about having to migrate to the new TCG Live, honestly im mad. Why did they feel the need to rush this release so much that Standard is the only format option for a deck? What was the reason for the rushed release? Ive lost so many cards and feel that they basically turned their back on some of us older players in an attempt at an unneeded update to the online game. Not trying to go on a rant or anything, im just extremely disappointed. Not a single one of the 20+ decks I enjoyed playing so much are able to be played now on this, real talk, garbage update.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    They can come up with multiple excuses, but the truth is it could have been done much better.

    Even before the initial beta they should had get better consulting and get feedback of people that really care, enjoy and have experience with the game. Like top players, big content creators, also opinion of more casual players, etc.

    And they had the advantage of knowing what players liked/disliked in TCG Online, it's not like they were creating something so groundbreaking that was never seen before.

    If they did this "small" things better for sure many design, features and game play mistakes could be avoided.

  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,901 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I'm pretty sure that, with the way things have gone ever since the gems beta in PTCGO, that the decision to pull out was made by Dire Wolf and there was no option to extend the contract 5+ more years to finish Live, sadly.

    And yes, it will take 5 years minimum to fix it. Likely closer to 15.