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No Revenue Stream = No Development

The entire reason PTCGO is being shut down is because they no longer wanted to pay Dire Wolf for a product that doesn't generate any revenue, so by bringing it inhouse the assumption would be that they thought they could save money by doing it themselves, but the fundamental problem is that the new client still doesn't generate any revenue, and as a consequence it gets minimal to no development.

The assumption I made was that development would be slow, but as others have noticed it looks like this might be the end. After over a year in beta and over two years in planning the whole client is still a disaster. So many bugs and it's missing an astonishing amount of basic functionality.

The fact that Expanded is still completely broken is unforgivable with over half the cards simply unusable. Expanded did not rotate out any cards, so any decks you were playing on PTCGO should be playable here, and yet here we are a year later and the problem is not even acknowledged.

Since there are only two playable formats and one is completely broken, and the other is full of unfixed bugs, I am beginning to think that this is the end of online play as some others have stated.

It's sad because a lot of people, myself included, have invested a lot of time and money into our card sets, and still enjoy playing. But since we never get any feedback from the devs, I'm guessing it's just a slow death from here.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    This is great news for the new Disney Lorcana card game. If the Pokémon digital card game fails, they "only" have to compete with the physical component in the west.

    Nothing lasts forever maybe this is the begening of the Pokémon card game decline in western world.

    Will Disney be able to take over the West and Pokémon shrinks back to Asia? Who knows...