The game needs a change

I played the Pokemon Card Game Online before the switch and I liked it better honestly. In this new one it just feels like Pokemon with abilities have gone too far. I'm actually falling asleep waiting for my opponent to nerd up and copy the Beaver flame meta or whatever other broken ability deck that's out there. It's just boring and I'm the end I see a sad lonely person at the other end.
To think back then people were complaining how boring was to play against MewVMax/Genesct decks... how little they knew how much slower a turn would get this days with comfey lost zone decks, gardevoir ex decks, etc...
I don't mind longer games, what is annoying to me is the snail slow turns.
And if playing in a mobile device you can feel the pain of battery draining while watching your opponent nerd up their master plan and gradually unfolding it before you... without falling asleep.
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Why do we have so many cards to choose from when all we're going to run across are the same 3 meta decks? It's depressing. There needs to be more balance to the game instead of one turn insta win meta decks. There's no thrill in seeing originality or a play style that's different. It's so bad that I'm not sure I'm playing against a real person anymore because everyone is doing the same thing just to survive.... So so depressing. I built my deck and I refuse to use a meta cookie cutter deck I got from some cheap shot on the internet. People should be able to be original.
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The current meta it's no very diverse but I also think thats one down side of the ranked ladder, because people don't want to lose points they mostly will play it safe with the top tier decks.
Also the lack of other functioning modes like expanded, theme, or others it's bad... those would help to get away from the standard meta for some fresh air, would't feel so repetitive and we could still play the card game we all like.
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IMO, the best way to create a meta change is to just create weird decks like Kyurem VMax or Toxicroak Samurott. Spice things up, and other people will too.
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Yeah I’m working some ideas on toxicroak with bouffalant. What’s annoying is when testing my decks on casual, the draw ratio appears to be better compared to when accessing Rank matches. Typically I run best of 3 or 5 determine if it may be Rank worthy. Earlier I won 5 matches in a row without bricking in casual, tried rank matches resulting in a lost 3 times in a row ether by drawing the 1 copy of tarountula resulting in a knock out or 2 out of 3 toxicroak are prized .