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What about the "Timer Bug"

Hello everyone

My biggest Problem with tcgl is the Timer between Rounds beeing to short or Not working at all. Often my Turn ends because i have 0.3 Seconds to play my First Card.

Ist the Patch doing Something against it ?

Thank you


  • TechHog
    TechHog Member Posts: 2,738 ✭✭✭✭
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    The timer bugs are connection related, so they probably can only fix it by adding more servers.

  • Vixxay
    Vixxay Member Posts: 1
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    How long is the turn timer supposed to be.. I'm kinda new and was trying to play a casual game but they were giving me 5 second timers... didn't seem super casual.

  • Edurandomnumber
    Edurandomnumber Member Posts: 331 ✭✭✭
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    @Vixxay there's no turn timer, there's an action timer. The game is meant to only skip your turn if you wait 45 seconds without doing an action-

  • ShiningLancer
    ShiningLancer Member Posts: 141 ✭✭✭
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    edited March 2023 #5

    Your turn ends sooner if your system clock is ahead of the real time.

  • HikariUtopia
    HikariUtopia Member Posts: 7
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    I shouldn't have to concede games when my timer is going down on my opponents turn

    I'm in UTC +1100 or AEDT

    Too many elapsed time bugs

  • businessCard
    businessCard Member Posts: 4
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    This looks like a Clock / Timezone Issue.

    I'm also having this bug and my Clock is desynchronized by 1 hour on windows 11.