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Bugs, bugs, and more bugs


Game needs work.

-Desync issues still causing me to lose turns... and games. It just freezes for a bit and then resumes into a fast-forwarded sequence of my opponent's turn. Followed by my turn being skipped completely.

-Reward system is just broken! I have won multiple games and have been rewarded with negative points as if I'd lost. No disconnect, no concede, no error; I knock out all my opponents Pokémon and am taken to the Victory screen where I am rewarded with "-10".

-Matchmaking issues... It should not take me upwards of 15 minutes to find a match with someone. Moreover, I'd appreciate if I was marched with people in my region as the matches I have been getting sometimes include names from the Czech Republic. Why would you ever expect that to connect smoothly? Clean it up

-Some card effects still aren't working or are freezing the game. Cosmetic effects, such as glasses and emotes, are being randomly changed while playing without player consent. Please Pokémon there are so many errors right now it is ridicluous.
