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some ideas for quality of life improvements


I really like the new format! There's a lot of new stuff and quite a bit that's the same that are perfect. These were just some ideas my friends and I had, and I was hoping that others could weight in potentially adding more in the comments or voting on ideas they also want to see.

some ideas for quality of life improvements 6 votes

A way to look at your cards outside of making a deck
50% 3 votes
A way to see how many ranked games you've played versus the total or to see casual/friend matches vs the total
0% 0 votes
A way to inspect friends, see their level, how many games they've played, maybe their favorite decks
16% 1 vote
In battle, showing what card is pulled etc if a card is used to pull other cards (specifically in the graveyard)
33% 2 votes
when searching to make a deck and you filter by pack type, adding dividers that list what pack you are looking through
0% 0 votes
a way to mute emotes during a battle
0% 0 votes
a screen that shows you cards you can craft or are unable to when building a deck (instead of whether you own them or not)
0% 0 votes