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Performance Issues + feature requests


I was a long time player of the original online TCG. But this new one, I am really having a hard time getting into. I really wish they would keep all the same gestures (moving and clicking on cards) the same as the original. There were also better subtle graphics during combat, giving you a better idea of where and how damage was coming from. But one of the biggest things about this game that literally might prevent me from playing it anymore is how hot my laptop is getting. The original game never resulted in my laptops fans spinning at full speed. My laptop literally is getting so hot after a single game that I can't keep it on my lap. I'm playing on a fairly new MacBook Pro, which I've run many other programs on, even graphically intensive ones, without having near as much heat being generated.

I would love to come back to the online TCG if they would fix these issues. Plus bring back all my legacy cards and unlimited formats.