Diancie’s Hability not working

Hello! I was playing with my regidrago deck, then after put my diancie on the active spot, the hability should stop my opponent from make anything to my other Pokémon’s with the effect of any support, but the guy just used a boss order like the hability wasn’t there. There wasn’t any disruption or anything that could nullify diancie’s hability. I have this print showing the moment right after he used the support card and attacked. It’s my first post so I don’t know if this is enough to add a report bug or I need to go to somewhere else. Thank you!
Which pokemon did they boss? if it was a regidrago Vstar, the ability only protects your basics.
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@TechHog it's their turn, greninja was promoted after the KO.
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Assuming you had a basic Regidrago V on the bench and not a vstar, did they happen to have a Galarian Weezing on the active spot when they played Boss's Orders and then use a scoop up? That would have nulled Diancie's ability.