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Please give users something other than Lugia



  • Brother_Grymm
    Brother_Grymm Member Posts: 6
    First Comment 5 Agrees

    Lugia is literally 35% of the competitive meta at regional tournaments across the World. It has everything to do with the Lugia/Archeops engine being strong right now with many ways to search out and discard Archeops as well as (semi) consistently evolve your Lugia. It's a strong combo with great supporting attackers that aims to leave as few prizes on the table as possible. I've even gone down to all one-prizers in play against the mirror before. Giving people access to the BDIF isn't really all that toxic. If you're finding bad Lugia players, you should be winning those games. If you're bored with Lugia, don't play Lugia. Lost Box and Mew are still decks. You could play Regis or Arceus VStar Toolbox. Vikavolt Item Lock is an option. Eternarus VMax made a breakout appearance not too long ago. The meta is definitely heavily Lugia based because the deck is a bazooka. But it takes brains to play the correct 60 and pilot it correctly to get to consistent wins. If it's a stale meta for you, just wait it out. Scarlet and Violet base set and rotation are coming.

  • Lambalazar
    Lambalazar Member Posts: 100 ✭✭✭
    25 Likes 5 LOLs 10 Comments 25 Agrees

    @Loveisyou TechHog definitely assumes anyone who doesn’t talk negatively about the game is hostile. No positivity allowed, because TechHog’s opinion is final, and anyone who doesn’t agree is wrong. Or stupid. Or not a good player.

    Their blood pressure must be great.