What’s the Best Strategy for Catching Legendary Pokémon in Sword and Shield?

Hi everyone,
I’ve been playing Pokémon Sword and Shield, and I’m having some trouble catching Legendary Pokémon. I know there are different ways to encounter them, but I’m not sure what strategy works best. I’ve tried using Ultra Balls and saving before the encounter, but some of them just seem to run out of chances too quickly.
Has anyone found a great method for catching Legendries in these games? Any tips on improving my odds or making the process easier would be really helpful!
Looking forward to your advice!
Oftentimes, a Pokémon with False Swipe and a Status Condition inflicting move like Thunder Wave or Hypnosis does the trick to improve your catching odds. Ultra Balls are an all-around good ball to use, but you may want to try using other balls that work even better under different conditions (like a Timer Ball if 10 turns pass and you STILL haven't caught it).