Early Journey Together preview (Part 3): N's Zoroark ex

Like Iono's Bellibolt ex and Lillie's Clefairy ex, this card was also mentioned in the "Scarlet & Violet—Journey Together" article on Pokemon.com. This card is now available in Japanese.
(Note: You are about to preview this card in Japanese.)
What do you think about this card?
(Note: This card might be translated later in the Comments.)
Sources: See my part 1, which may be shown in the Comments.
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Previous parts:
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Translation: (Warning: This information may not be correct until Journey Together releases on March 28 (1). You can help by revising it.)
Stage 1: N's Zoroark ex, 280 HP, Type: Darkness
Ability: (Name?)
You must discard a card from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may draw 2 cards.
[Darkness] [Darkness] Night Joker
Choose 1 of your Benched N's Pokémon (the Pokémon that has "N's" in its name) and use it as this attack. (2)
Pokémon ex rule: When your Pokémon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
Weakness: Grass x 2
Resistance: None
Retreat: [Colorless] [Colorless]
(1) Pokemon.com — Scarlet & Violet — Journey Together
(2) Pokémon TCG — Trainer's Website (in Japanese)
(Note: I translated this card using the translation extension included with my browser, then tried to revise it.)
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The ability can be something like "Transaction" or something
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Finally, what's its ability name?