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Gyarados Needed!

I need a gyarados (#078) from the genetic apex packs to finish my collection for the immersive mew. I have extra victreebel, flareon, vaporeon, raichu, alakazam, snorlax, serperior, volcarona, tauros, shaymin, magmortar, garchomp, regigigas, heatran, mesprit, dusknoir, and electivire to offer for the 3 diamond category. If you need anything specific, let me know and we can make additional trades to help each other out!


  • JohotoWhen
    JohotoWhen Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    The full card art gyarados from the genetic apex pack will work too and I have a ton of full card arts I can trade as well

  • Zenomin_Folgard
    Zenomin_Folgard Member Posts: 13

    Hi, I can trade a full art Gyarados 1 star from Genetic Apex, I need 1 star bidoof or 1 star Rotom.


  • Zenomin_Folgard
    Zenomin_Folgard Member Posts: 13

    I could also trade a 3 diamond Gyarados for a 3 diamond heatran from Spacetime Smackdown