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Some tips to make my first deck better!

ExtraCereal18 Member Posts: 3

This is my first time making a deck for a Pokemon casuals. Hope you can find some tips for me. Thank you!

Pokemon (26)

x1 Rockruff

x1 Lycanroc

x1 Pincurchin

x3 Killowattrel

x3 Wattrel

x1 Makuhita

x1 Tornadus

x1 Flamigo

x1 Miraidon

x1 Koraidon

x1 Mareep

x1 Flaffy

x1 Ampharos ex

x1 Fennekin

x1 Iron Hands (Future)

x1 Sudowoodo

x1 Rotom

x1 ElectaBuzz

x1 Pawmi

x1 Starly

x1 Staravia

x1 Staraptor

Trainer (16)

x1 Jet Energy

x2 Potion

x1 Larry

x1 Iono

x1 Switch

x1 Fighting Au Lait

x1 Youngster

x1 Pokegear 3.0

x1 Energy Retrieval

x1 Mesagoza

x1 Superior Energy Retrieval

x1 Nest Ball

x1 Jacq

x1 Hop

x1 Explorer's Guidance

Energy (18)

x15 Lighting Energy

x2 Fighting Energy

x1 Fire Energy

It is a Lighting-based deck, so I hope you can understand and give me some tips. Thank you so much! 😅


  • Rcunniff
    Rcunniff Member Posts: 0

    I would ditch the potions as they are not impactful enough. Electric generator would help you get more lightning energy into play on electric pokemon. I would focus on electric pokemon as well. You will want more reliable ways to search up your heavy hitters, like most nest balls or ultra balls

  • Rcunniff
    Rcunniff Member Posts: 0

    I would ditch the potions as they are not impactful enough. Electric generator would help you get more lightning energy into play on electric pokemon. I would focus on electric pokemon as well. You will want more reliable ways to search up your heavy hitters, like most nest balls or ultra balls

  • Rcunniff
    Rcunniff Member Posts: 0

    I would ditch the potions as they are not impactful enough. Electric generator would help you get more lightning energy into play on electric pokemon. I would focus on electric pokemon as well. You will want more reliable ways to search up your heavy hitters, like most nest balls or ultra balls