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Let's show off our awesome Pokémon in Pokémon GO!

L_LostWord Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭
100 Comments 25 Likes 5 LOLs 5 Agrees

Is there a Pokémon you have in Pokémon GO that is rare or special in some way? Well, here's the place for you! You can share these elusive Pokémon with us!

First off: The Perfects!

Perfects are rare, of course, but shiny perfects are even rarer…

…but lucky perfects are rare, too!

And now one really worth showing off: My perfect saree Pikachu! This Pikachu is really rare. Raids of this Pikachu went on for a special event in India that didn't last long.

And now some shinies.

All of these shadow Pokémon will become perfect if purified!

And my 2 nundos (0 ivs). Nundos are extremely rare.

I have some other rare stuff, too. One worth mentioning is my R Unown, yeah, the rarest Pokémon that spawns naturally in Pokémon GO, and I just saw it on my radar and went to get it. I didn't even realize Unown could just spawn in the wild and that it was literally rarer than the Lake Trio spawning. All my other Unown were from events, so this one's probably going to be the only one I'll ever see spawn naturally until like 10 million years. Though I've got a few Azelf, but like I said, Unown is way rarer to find in the wild than the Lake Trio and maybe I somehow got lucky.

It's called Reuniclus because I like naming my Unown after things that start with the letter it represents so some of my other Unown are named after other Pokémon (Tyranitar and Diancie appear to be the only other ones).