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Unison Strike Part 2 - Ver. Patch Notes

TPCi_GarbageKing Administrator Posts: 180 admin
Third Anniversary 100 Likes 100 Agrees 25 LOLs
edited February 6 in News & Announcements #1

Update Date/Time

2025-02-06 at 07:00

Post-Update Version


Update Details

  • Shop Updates
  • Event Updates

If the app has not been updated on your device, please restart the app to apply this update.

While the game is updating, you may not be able to connect to the server. If this occurs, please try again later.

Balance Updates

Changes have been made to Pokémon stats and moves to adjust the balance of Unite Battles.


Pain Split

  • Damage: 20%/30%/40% of damage taken → 25%/35%/45%
  • HP recovery amount: 12% increase

Pain Split was not providing enough value in extended battles, making it difficult for Trevenant to maintain pressure in prolonged fights. To enhance its defensive capabilities, both the damage share ratio and healing effect have been buffed.



  • Defense: 90–480 → 90–540 (Lv. 1–15)
  • Special Defense: 70–385 → 70–420 (Lv. 1–15)


  • HP recovery: 20% increase

Fire Spin

  • Shield: 20% increase

Despite its high durability and healing abilities, Ho-Oh lacked sufficient defensive power in the current meta. To improve its frontline sustainability, its stats and healing/shielding effects have been buffed.



  • Attack Speed: 1.1–1.5 → 1.1–1.6 (Lv. 1–15)


  • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s


  • Cooldown: 8s → 7.5s

Cramorant’s attack speed and mobility-based playstyle made it challenging to keep up with opponents, leading to a low win rate. Its battle endurance has improved by buffing attack speed and move cooldowns.


Snipe Shot

  • Damage: 10% increase


  • Damage: 6% increase
  • Cooldown: 6.5s → 6s

The damage of Snipe Shot and Liquidation was insufficient, causing Inteleon’s win rate to drop. By increasing their damage and lowering Liquidation’s cooldown, Inteleon’s impact as an Attacker has been enhanced.

Mewtwo Y


  • Damage: 5% decrease

Psystrike had both high damage and a strong hindrance effect that significantly impacted opponents' mobility, making it difficult for them to counterattack. To balance this, its damage has been nerfed.


Triple Axel

  • Damage: 8% decrease

Triple Axel provided strong attack power, mobility, and healing, allowing Tsareena to sustain fights effectively. To balance this, its damage has been nerfed.



  • Damage: 15% decrease


  • Damage: 10% decrease

Surf and Psychic were too powerful due to their combination of hindrance and damage, making Psyduck overly strong as a Supporter. To balance this, their damage has been nerfed.



  • Critical hit rate: 10% → 5% (Lv. 5–8), 20% → 10% (Lv. 9–15)

Garchomp’s high attack speed allowed it to land many hits quickly, naturally increasing the occurrence of critical hits and resulting in excessive damage output. To balance this, its critical hit rate has been nerfed.

[UPDATE 2/6/25] Balance Adjustment for Galarian Rapidash

Since its release, Galarian Rapidash has maintained a high win rate and has remained stronger than other Pokémon. To ensure fair battles, we plan to implement a nerf in the upcoming week.

Details of the adjustments will be announced with the next update. We will continue making adjustments to create a more enjoyable battle experience for all players, and we appreciate your understanding.