In need of 3 more cards to complete Genetic Apex

I'm in need of:
#083 3 diamonds Articuno
#117 3 diamonds Alakazam
#122 3 diamonds Gengar
I have for trade (all 3 diamonds):
Venusaur, Beedril, Victreebel, Charizard, Arcanine, Greninja, Raichu, Jolteon, Zapdos, Eelektross, Golem & Dragonite.
Add with Friend ID: 0375-6550-1216-7049
let's trade right now
Articuno with Greninja0 -
I want Beedrill, will trade with Gengar
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I offered Gengar but trade declined. Which card do you want?
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Which card do you want?
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Which card do you want? And what's your Friend ID? I'll add you in the game.
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I offered Raichu, why aren't you responding to the trade?
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I accepted your friend request, but it said Trade in Progress. Im down to do this trade. You can send the trade offer when your previous is done. My ingame name is Unknownplayer.