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suggested new format for pokemon tcg (like theme decks)

pears_91 Member Posts: 41
Second Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper 5 Agrees

it would be really nice if pokemon released some general rules for theme decks that allowed you to build your own as an alternative to the standard and expanded format. But perhaps still allowed you to build your own and play against others following the same rules to make more cards playable and the game generally more accessible.

rules such as as no rule box pokemon

a limited amount of supporters and item cards available

i know it would be easy to do this myself, but as these decks wouldn't be competitive in the standard or expanded formats. It would create another fun interesting deck format. theme decks were really good to play and just continuing to make these would be nice too, but maybe even better to create another similar format that would allow people to enter and make cards viable that aren't otherwise. also maybe make it easier to get into the TCG especially for children.

I do enjoy playing both expanded and standard formats, but these games are consistently over by turn 1 or 2 even in standard format if your deck doesn't set up to KO a vmax turn 2 or play a very specific stall strategy you may well be out of it. That being said I do think the card designs and mechanics of decks in standard and even expanded is really fun to play so not so much a complaint about that but I see an opportunity to create even more fun game and make it a little more accessible.