Fezandipiti Basic/EX Adrena-Pheromone/flip the script
So directly below is the description of the ability ''Flip the script'' from Fezandipiti EX
''Once during your turn, if any of your Pokémon were Knocked Out during your opponent’s last turn, you may draw 3 cards. You can’t use more than 1 Flip the Script Ability each turn.''
clearly YOUR pokemon has to be knocked out during your opponents last turn in order for you to use ''flip the script'' right?
i just had an opponent use this ability every turn even without their pokemon getting knocked out, is this intented?
Also i had a basic Fezandipiti in play with a darkness energy attached, according to its ability description :
''If this Pokémon has any Darkness Energy attached and is damaged by an attack, flip a coin. If heads, prevent that damage.''
now i had the opponent's pokemon confused, only one coin was flipped which landed on head, why weren't two coins flipped? to me this makes no sense, since confused and a pokemon ability are seperate, what would even be the point of Fezandipiti's ability without a second coin flip? the game even said flipping coin due to confusion, so my pokemon got knocked out… again is this flaw intended?
1: You'll have to describe the specific circumstance for Flip the Script. Even damage dealt by Abilities counts as a KO. A battle log will help here.
2: Did you opponent by any chance use Cancelling Cologne, or use an attack that says its damage is "unaffected by any effects on the opponent's Active Pokémon" when attacking you? Because Adrena-Pheromone would stop working in either of these cases. Alternatively, if it's an effect that places damage counters, this is also not affected.