I need Gengar Ex, Aerodactyl Ex.
Full art: slowpoke, dragonite, porygon
Can give
Pikachu ex, zapdos ex, celebi ex, marowak ex
Full art: charmander, gyarados, lapras, weezing, alakazam, nidoking, golbat, eevee
Code: 1712748553421310
Have weezing
Looking for muk
Sending you request
send another friend invite. Accidently declined
Looking For
Starmie EX
Gyarados EX
Can give (among others)
Marowak EX
Pidgeot EX
MewTwo EX
Friend ID is 2003539133322638
@Yar44 I have a Raichu, add me as friend: 6029511805796033
still need?
Not anymore, update
I need Gengar Ex, Aerodactyl Ex
Did you get that Exeggutor ex yet? I happen to have one
I will give for Vaporeon A1a 019 (ID: 8516932714723895)