Last pokemon worlds in honolulu, the announcement trailers had some big releases. The next two world announcements, morpeko in pokemon go, etc. But one is finally announced and we know the name of the next pokemon tcg set! In Journeys Together we finally get lillie's clefairy, Marnie's morpeko and iono's bellibolt! That's all I wanted to say. I'm just exited😁
I laughed out loud when I saw the zoroark. THey're really running out of ideas, eh?
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I'm going to make a preview of notable Journey Together cards in Japanese. My first card is here:
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Marnie’s Morpeko will be in the set after Journey Together, or it will be in its own deck like in Japan.
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It is an almost exact reprint of Zoroark GX from Sun and Moon era. It has the exact same ability, just with a different attack.