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Pokémon Types: They’re Screwed

BlaziiBoi Member Posts: 384 ✭✭
100 Comments 25 Agrees 25 LOLs 25 Likes

Pokémon Game Freak made have certain types they just don’t deserve. For example: most of you might disagree, but Gyarados should be pure Water. He might know a lot of Dragon moves, but pure Water fits better. Gengar should be pure Ghost because it doesn’t learn a single Poison move by level up, relying on TMs, TRs, and Move Tutor instead. Reuniclus may not be completely suited for this, but it should be Psychic/Poison. It may not be able to learn any Poison attacking move, but its Dex entry said its body gel grants wisdom if eaten, but is highly toxic to everyone except Reuniclus itself. Another Pokémon is Druddigon, which should be Dragon/Rock or Dragon/Ground because it is known for caverns. It may just be its habitat, but it could still have the potential of being Rock or Ground. Glalie should be Ice/Rock because its inner body is made of obsidian.

Tell me how you think in the comments.
