Deck advice

Any advice for this deck? I want to enter some local competitions, but I think my deck rely to much on Charazard when I'm in a pinch.
duel type deck: Dark Fire.
10X Fire
8X Dark
1X. Luminous
1X Poppy
1X. buddy-buddy poffin
4X. Geeta
1X norman
2X ryme
1X raifort
1X cook
1X jaqc
1X letter of encouraement
1X snorlax doll
Pokemon (dark):
3X paldean wooper
2X darkrai
2X Charazard ex (tera)
2X paldean clodsire
fire pokemon:
4X entei
3X charmander
2X charmeleon
2X darmanitan
2X camerupt
3X. Darumaka
Best Answer
Hmm… you should probably specify what expansion these cards are from, since a lot of them do different things.
That being said, relying on Charizard ex is not a bad thing. Yes, I know that it might not seem "original" to use a deck focusing on it, but that's because said deck is just THAT good. Instead of trying to include all kinds of attackers (Entei, Darmanitan, Camerupt), try to invest in finding more Trainer cards that can help your BEST attacker be ready as fast as possible. If you're including more Pokémon, try ones that can help you draw cards from them being on the board.
Geeta is not a good Supporter in the competitive scene, even on the local tournament level, and DEFINITELY not worth using four of.
Include more items! And a couple Arven to help you find the right item exactly when you need it. You need non-Supporter ways of getting your heavy hitters out. One copy of each is generally not enough.
Instead of including a whopping 19 energy, make more space for Trainers that can help you search out the energy you need, or recycle them when they get discarded.
Don't be afraid of cards with discard effects! Ultra Ball's benefits vastly outweigh the costs, and generally, the same goes for Professor's Research.
Finally, find ways to test out your deck, like TCG Live or against friends. That's the best way to know whether it's consistent enough.
Hope that helps.
T Char EX is a strong card right now, having possible 2-turn setup. Like Dougbro says, you should specify which expansions the various cards are from as they do many different things.
One suggestion is to perhaps ease off some of the extra fire support and use colourless to provide utility. Pidgeot EX is common for that right now, SCR Noctowl is also a good option, depending on skill level. I know it's some months away still, but keep in mind the rotation as well; if your utility relies heavily on F cards you might be in a tough spot come April so now's the time to give it thought.
Dougbro makes another good point with the energies and because your Charizard will be the main damage dealer, you should focus on supplying it and its support with energies. 18 basics plus a radiant really aren't necessary for most situations and combined with the 28 (wow!) Pokemon, you've got way too much in there. My suggestion is cutting out anything that requires dark energies that you can live without, reducing your energies to 12 fires and removing most of your fire support. Focus on things that help your deck do what it needs to do, and the main attacks of your Charizard. There's a good reason why many people field the Dusknoir line as support to force the opponent to draw extra prize cards, letting you eke out some extra damage from Burning Darkness.
I will disagree with him though on the Ultra Ball and Professor's Research; given your deck's reliance on Tera EX for damage, Tera Balls are a better option coupled with an Arven, and Iono can help with deck control as well as denying your opponent valuable setup time. He is right though, both Ultra Ball and Professor's Research are powerful cards and in most situations, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks to a huge degree.0 -
Right, thanks! All of the cards are form obsidian flames because i happened to open alot of them. I don't have a
goodcollection, and don't get to open many packs. But i can probaly just order them thanks!0 -
The darkrai is from those holloween packs