Pokémon MEMES
I should go back to grinding Pokémon spirits. I've been thinking that I need to get Palkia since I have Dialga and Giratina, maybe because I just summoned Palkia out of a Poké Ball.
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Dang we should friend each other on switch
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I use my younger brother's account on ssbu since we've always played together on it
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Also this looks like a meme
That tail
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Same we could always play scarlet/violet if you have it that's the only one I got
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Yeah I have Scarlet
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We should definitely friend eachother now
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Kirby wins!
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That's my younger bro's friend code (the account I play ssbu on)
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OK I will just do mine I play smash on there sometimes but do you still want to do his if we want to play scarlet together sometime