Is this deck good

So I've built my first deck, though I don't have all the cards I want for it (like 4 cards) it's a start. So is this good? Here's my current deck list. If there is cards I could add or remove that info would be great.
1x Suicune EX
1x Phione
1x Feebas
1x Cetoddle
1x Frigibax
1x Arctibax
1x Baxcalibur
1x Magikarp
1x Gyarados
1x Pysduck
2x Golduck
1x Wiglett
1x Swablu
1x Altaria
1x Great Ball
1x Patrol Cap
1x Choice Belt
1x Ordinary Rod
1x Letter of Encouragement
1x Calamitous Snowy Mountain
2x U-Turn Board
1x Switch
1x Mysterious Treasure
1x Energy Retrieveal
1x Pokemon Communication
1x Ryme
1x Jacq
2x Parasol Lady
1x Hau
2x Cynthia
1x Miriam
1x Iono
1x Poppy
1x Dendra
1x Falkner
1x Lillie
1x Giacomo
1x Clavell
1x Team Star Grunt
7x Water Energy
4x Steel Energy
1x Reversal Energy
1x Luminous Energy
1x Therapeutic Energy
Thanks there is also the same one but a discussion and not a question. That was by accident. For some reason it did not post immediately so I thought it did not post it so I did another one (this one) then i saw the original had posted once I posted this.