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Can Annihilape learn Bullet punch in the next Pokémon game?

Darkbirt Member Posts: 54 ✭✭
10 Comments 5 Likes 5 LOLs Photogenic

I always am frustrated that it isn't possible to suggest anything to Game Freak or giving some small requests. I still hope that someone would read this small request and it will reach Game Freak somehow.

I know Annihilape is doing well in regulation H, but the lack of a good priority move really hurts it. I really love this new Pokémon. It hurts my eyes that the only priority move it learns, is Vacuum Wave. Annihilape would be so much better if it could use Bullet punch or Mach Punch. I really love the assault vest build, but now Rillaboom takes the spotlight with it's good priority move. Making Rage fist into a priority move, would be to overpowered. I hope we can see a good priority move for Annihilape soon.