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New Feature Ideas

What new features would you like to see added to TCG Pocket? The game currently feels pretty bare bones compared to other digital TCGs. I think the game would benefit greatly from:

Daily Quests - Something like; earn some hourglasses for winning a random matches with a fire deck, win 7 random matches, play 10 trainer cards in random matches, etc. Some daily quests to give me a reason beyond small amounts of XP and 5 shop tokens would be really nice and reward regular players better.

Card Breakdown - Something like Hearthstone's disenchantment system that would let you break down duplicate cards and use the 'card dust' to craft the cards you actually want. The paltry amount of pack points you get for opening packs is just not enough, and I don't care about cosmetic add-ons to my cards, so consuming dupes for that purpose just feels meaningless. Let me smash up my 10 copies of ponyta so I can get a little closer to that Moltres EX card!

More engaging PvE content - The PvE events are pretty dull. Just grind out 20 battles and claim your rewards. There are card games (again like Hearthstone) that have immersive and engaging PvE content where you duel a series of ai opponents and get to add new cards to your deck as you go, trying to clear to the end. This is more engaging content, and lets devs play around with broken card ideas that can't be released in a PvP environment! Gimme something that's so fun that I don't even care if there are rewards tied to it! Grinding the same boring, poorly piloted ai deck is far from what we come to expect from digital TCG content.

Would love to hear what others have come up with for the design space that would make this game less of a digital pack opener and more of a fully fledged digital TCG game experience.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,645 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Trading and a ranked mode will be coming, I believe, so that should address two of your complaints. That in addition to a dusting system like the one you suggested would really help get rid of unwanted duplicates and bulk.

    The lack of daily quests may be a result of designing for a specific audience. I think the app is focused on casual players, people who want to pop in, open their two packs and bounce, rather than competitive grinders who want to make the app their primary fix and lifestyle.

    That said, more variety in dailies would be welcome.

    Many have requested a dark mode. We should get that soon, I hope.

    I would also like alternative formats. Perhaps we will get a non-rotating one in a couple of years if they introduce rotation (unless they are very greedy and try to pull a WotC).

    I know Japanese card companies are deathly afraid of their digital clients cannibalising their paper card sales, but something closer to the real game (bigger decks, 4 copies per card, 6 points to win) would be neat for those that want that experience.

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    Oooh different formats would be sweet. I'd like that a lot. It would also instantly create two separate metas so if one felt stale, or you simply didn't have the cards to be competitive in one, you could try your hand at the other.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,415 ✭✭✭✭
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    a lot of good ideas here. If anyone is reading this please give OP a like

  • Mod_Cat
    Mod_Cat Moderator Posts: 7 mod
    Photogenic First Comment

    Hey Trainer! These are great ideas and feedback! We will share this with our teams!

  • WhiteNova2378
    WhiteNova2378 Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Photogenic 5 Likes Name Dropper

    I would reallly like to see (a) more deck slots [at least double what we have now] and (b) A copy feature for deck building where I can take my current deck list and make a copy of it so that I can now edit the copy to implement tweaks without having to either modify the main deck or fully recreate the deck list from scratch.