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When will Pokemon TCG Live get a major UI/brand overhaul to fit in with Pocket?

After getting into the TCG game after playing Pocket, I've found that TCG Live was quite cumbersome and felt dated in comparison to Pocket, which felt modern and very easy to use.

When will Pokemon Company actually give this app a complete makeover, to a point where it's more inline with Pocket?

It'd be nice if the card games functioned more similarly to Pocket, in terms of UI interactions with the traditional PTCG rules. It was just so easy to tap on cards, instead of having to drag them around all the time on Live. And the damage counter system is so much easier to understand on Pocket, in comparison to Live, how you're required to literally tap on the card in order to see the actual damage.

I'll never understand why they had to put these ugly creepy avatars in too, they don't even feel like they match with official Pokemon artstyle at all. I would more than prefer to have myself represented by my favorite card illustration image, as how it was in Pocket.

I would however love to see Live being retired and replaced by a similar app, minus the useless monetization system that they have on it. What's the point of having digital cards that you can literally buy from a store or vending machine, and then scan the code in?