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Ladder Reset Ranking Feedback

Hi there! I don't generally use forums, but I wanted to provide some feedback on the recent PTCG Live updates in the hopes that the devs will find it useful.

I'm aware of (and grateful for) the team's plans for improving the ladder. Having an ELO system start at Arceus is a great way for we the players to challenge ourselves, and it gives us a reason to play once the battle pass is complete and Arceus has been reached.

However, the past two ladder resets have pushed players at Arceus tier back down to the start of Poke Ball tier. I'm requesting that, after each ladder reset, players ranked at Arceus either stay there, or only receive a modest drop down the ladder.

Poke Ball starts at 30 points, and Arceus rank is attainable at 550 points - a significant investment of time. Many competitive players use Live as their primary means of testing for major events, and climbing back up the ranks requires a large time commitment. Especially after the last update, which reduced the penalties for losses, getting to Arceus becomes less of a matter of "if" than "when" for many players.

The drive to be the top of the leaderboard shouldn't depend on who can grind ladder the fastest.

I hope this feedback is helpful!


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,564 ✭✭✭✭✭
    1000 Comments 500 Likes 500 Agrees 250 LOLs

    That's how it was before… lol they want exactly the opposite of what you are asking… they want you to play a lot more that's why there is the big monthly reset (with no point loss) and the ELO too.

    The same with the Battle Pass… before this changes all you needed to do was to finnish the daily quests, now you actually need to play more and/or win games.

    I know a lot of people that no longer care about Arceus league, because the game is not fun for them anymore it's just the same boring (no points loss) games with same decks everyday just to get reseted at the end of the month.

    If you really stop to think you will see what you played yesterday, or the day before, or the previous week, or last month, etc. it's all just the same (with little deck changes)… there are no events, special seasson goals, no other formats, nothing really new or exciting… it's just a wasting time void.

    Last month I barely got to Arceus and I didn't even finnish the Battle Pass yet, I no longer have fun playing it's just too boring and annoying.