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Hands Down the best deck (Better than MewtwoEx and PikaEx)

I have won multiple times with this deck in competitive play and have never lost any of the solo battles with this deck

2x Articuno Ex

1x Staryu

1x Starmie Ex

2x Froakie

2x Frogadier

2x Greninja

1x Potion

1x Xspeed

2x Misty

2x PokeBall

2x Professor's Research

2x Sabrina

The key to this deck is Articuno with Greninja combo using Misty to boost your Articuno EX water energy quickly. Only use Misty on Articuno EX. Try to get both Greninja on your bench for water Shuriken every turn. If you can get both set up they require no energy to use the ability water Shuriken. If you get both set up that's 40 free damage each turn from the bench. Then with just 3 water energy you can use Articuno EX blizzard to do 80 damage to the active pokemon and 10 additional damage to all benched pokemon. If you can get lucky with Misty to start the game you can start doing massive damage very quickly not allowing your opponent time to set up. This is the fastest damage dealing deck I have used. Also having Sabrina as a back up if the opponent is able to get into their strongest Pokemon quickly you can force them out with Sabrina then use Greninja and Articuno EX to start putting pressure on them. Starmie EX is the back up. If your Articuno EX gets knocked out you should have knocked out at least 1-2 of the opponents pokemon by that time and you should have at least one Greninja set up. Since Starmie EX does not require any energy to retreat you should be able to get at least one shot off with water Shuriken and Hydro Splash allowing for 110 damage before retreating back into your second Articuno EX allowing for time to use another Misty to build up energy also if you have gotten this far into the match chances are you may have both Greninja on the bench which then would allow for 40 bench damage plus either 80 or 90 damage from Articuno EX or Starmie EX. Trust me I have run so many different decks and this deck has given me by far the highest win % chance. I have run Gardevoir Mewtow EX decks. Pika EX decks. Charizard EX decks. Blastoise EX decks. Dragonite decks. I have run them all and this is easily the quickest damage deck that allows you to start applying pressure quickly to the opponent and knock them out quickly not allowing them time to set up. The only few losses I have suffered came from Dragonite decks where the opponent got extremely lucky and drew into basically all the cards they needed within the first 3 turns. Even then I still scored 2 points before they hit a lucky Dragonite draco meteor knocking out my Articuno EX and one other card for a total of 3 points instantly. If you want to win big and often. Trust me. Use this deck.


  • Meowy11111
    Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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    Hey, I use that too, except with the Blastoise ex evolution lineup as well!
    Well mine was:

    2 Starmie ex

    1 Blastoise ex

    1 Articuno ex

    2 Staryu

    1 Squirtle

    1 Wartortle

    1 Magikarp

    1 Gyarados (star)

    1 Lapras (star)

    1 Froakie

    1 Frogadier

    1 Greninja

    And the rest!

    Blastoise ex is THE BEST counter for Moltres & Charizard ex. Trust me.

  • Piptweak
    Piptweak Member Posts: 3
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    thanks for the insight I’m gonna try this out!!

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,608 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Both are good decks, but if Misty fails both lose fast to Pikachu.

  • Piptweak
    Piptweak Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    you can definitely lose to pika but if you can get Greninja in pretty quick just use water Shuriken to start attacking only pika.

  • EmperorIkiru
    EmperorIkiru Member Posts: 28
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper Photogenic

    Starmie Ex is a nightmare try to win without it hahaha. (starmie ex is one of the last 3 ex i dont have in my collection.)