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Sorting in games?


Been playin these games from the start and love them. But as time has gone by, something has been baffling me increasingly.

Why is there no options to auto sort pokemon in boxes? Would be great to be able to sort then by their ID number (or other parameter), and that would help out collecting them as the list has grown massive.

I just find it's odd that this feature is missing, as collecting is big part of the game identity.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,659 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 50 Answers 250 Likes

    Game Freak are very attached to their 90s game design. And I don't think they ae capable of analysing what made their franchise successful, so they carry all the mechanics and practices over, warts and all.

    When they do make a change, it's often a quick fix blanket solution that preserves as much of the old system as possible.

    Take the exp. share. Some fans complained about the grinding that becomes necessary in the games sometimes when you skip fights, use repels and don't maintain a balanced team during your adventure.

    The developers could have taken the time to analyse the leveling and experience systems. Make sure that players receive exp sufficient to reach appropriate levels based on the way they actually play the game. Or even redesign the system entirely.

    But no, instead exp is dumped on the whole party after every battle. Even if you plough through everything with your starter, as long as you catch five other Pokémon (or accepted the ones gifted to you) you will end up with a fully levelled and evolved team. No strategy. No thinking. No effort to encourage players to engage with the games mechanics at all. Just charity exp for all. Turn your brain off and keep hitting A. The game will complete itself. Do you need more charity revives, too?

    They loved this solution so much, they made it mandatory. Now even Game Freak don't have to worry about balancing encounters.

    We only just got a free camera in SV. A feature introduced in the 90s, but Game Freak are new to 3D design.

    So I don't expect any useful in-game storage management or sorting options any time soon. But hey, Pokémon Home wasn't made by Game Freak. You could always pay your subscription fee and use that to sort your Pokémon.